The Treasure is YOU...
The Treasure is YOU podcast is about the expansion of consciousness in its full spectrum of infinity. Which happens to be us. We are the “Consciousness” that is the Vastness which is colorful, being the very highest on the scale of life, in which we have created through our divineness, to the very lowest on the scale of life in which we have also created through our divineness. We as consciousness encompass the whole of life. The light, the dark, the gray, the spaces in between we encompass all of physical and nonphysical realities. This is why we all are here experiencing greatness, and all of the many expressions that make this human experience an unscripted unfolding journey that is ever expanding. We are the Reflections of divinity… Royalty is what consciousness is… which is the physical manifestation that is Divine✨ As human beings in a vessel, this is our suit of physicality, we are royal in every sense. Yet in our non-physical essence, which is the vastness of intelligence that spans out into the infinity. We are infinite. The victim, the hero, the saint and the prosecutor. We are the characters in this game of life that we have so eloquently been playing for eons. Remembering our divinity as essences of source creator. We are the source in which all life is created. Entangled in this vast network of all life experiences. We desire to tip the scale into the unbound sea of infinity in which the seed has grown into what we all are witnessing.
The Treasure is YOU...
Let's Mend our Parent and Child Relationships with Marcus A. Higgs
Marcus A. Higgs He is the founder of Certain Future to support parents of preteens (10-14 y.o.) so they can show up and maintain a meaningful relationship with their child during these natural 'identity breaking' years.
He works with parents who know the value of doing hard things and want to be present with their son/daughter before it's too late to bridge the gap.
Now he's on a mission to globally mend parent-child relationships through effective communication and shared storytelling using 'The SHOW UP Framework'. PodPros
The SHOW UP Framework" stands for:
🆂 — Start with a Strong Identity (All Action Starts from Identity)
🅷 — Hold Space for Collaboration (For Critical Thinking and Collaborative Problem Solving)
🅾 — Open Up Communication (Pass on Values w/o Being Preachy)
🆆 — Wonder and Explore this World Together (Choose a Self-Directed Challenge)
🆄🅿 — Unveil Potential Together (Celebrate Progress in Development)