The Treasure is YOU...

Create A Life You Love NOW with Keynote Speaker and Happiness Trainer Tamara Zoner

July 29, 2024 I am Sonya Season 3 Episode 7

Today on The Treasure is YOU Podcast I had the pleasure of speaking with Keynote speaker and happiness trainer Tamara Zoner. Tamara believes to start now with your dreams and aspirations so you can live a life where you develop deeper relationships with others and most importantly yourself. Tamara is on a mission to create greater happiness in the world by teaching individuals and groups the actions and habits of happiness. With a blend of spirituality, self love and practicality Tamara makes it feel possible for people to live more authentically, being true to themselves without trying to fake it and shifting their relationships with themselves and others in a loving and respectful way.PodPros

Tamara's Website and social media platforms
Also get her free e-book with the promo code Sonya's gift 10 Tips for Dating Yourself.

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