The Treasure is YOU...

Julia Carmen an Curandera Seer of the Alma

March 25, 2024 • I am Sonya • Season 2 • Episode 22

Today, I had the pleasure of speaking with Julia Carmen an Curandera coming from a long line of curanderas walking in both worlds of the physical and non-physical, being in the knowing of them both from birth, walking them both in all eternally, and at times in struggle in the human realm of being. Julia was asked about what is her work and she replied on the podcast  of "Being in Divine Love đź’ž of Self"  she says it's a challenging thing for humanity".....
 She created the school without walls... "As we all walk, this earth life we human and Alma beings walk both worlds, whether we are conscious or not of that fact. So... Why not awaken to all of it - both worlds. These both worlds do not have boundaries.... Hence... The creation of the school without walls."

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