The Treasure is YOU...

Message From Divine Mother🌍

• I am Sonya • Season 1 • Episode 10

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Bringing forth universal principles. Knowing that each and everyone of us are fractals and are pieces of the Divine🌟… a piece of the tapestry of life that we all are engaging in, honoring each and everyone of us because we are apart of the whole of Divinity… I have embrace this knowing, also sharing with all the fact that we are all made up of the same Divine Essence the difference being our uniqueness which is our “Greatness” just emphasizing that… it is a shame that the collective is used to putting everyone in a category in a box, which is not possible , because we are the Universal Force that creates at will. Our Mother Earth has given us the beautiful gifts that are on this earth as tools to maneuver on our journey, so dear ones do not forget that you are a part of divinity and all of the treasures are within… emphasizing that  “The Treasure is You”….. 

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